這邊我會介紹生活中我們常用的一些英式英文的用法~ 讓你快速融入並輕鬆掌握英國人要跟你說什麼!
疫情真的拖好久! 大家應該都在國內悶壞了吧! 等疫情過去後Corrine想就機票一訂出發去英國了! 有人要跟團的嗎~ XD
Greeting (打招呼)
Alright– a common greeting
Alright Harry. = Hello Harry = How’s it going, Harry
Aye up– a greeting used mostly in the North and East Midlands of England to replace hello or hi
Aye up darling, you alright?
Work (工作)
Faff around/about– to spend your time doing a lot of things that are not important instead of the thing that you should be doing
Stop faffing about and get on with your work!
Fluff– to fail to do something successfully
I hope I don’t fluff my lines in the presentation later.
Emotion (情緒)
Hacked-off– annoyed/pissed off
I am so hacked-off that I didn’t get invited to Nick’s birthday party. I thought we are best friends!’
Full of beans- energetic/enthusiastic
I am feeling full of beans for work today!
Jolly– (adj) happy and cheerful / (adv) an old-fashioned way to say ‘very’
She’s very jolly today. / That’s a jolly good idea.
Behaviour (行為)
Queue-jumping– the act of someone unfairly moving ahead in a queue.
Queue jumper– person who do queue jumping.
Hey! No queue-jumping! You such a queue jumper!
Fancy a cuppa?– would you like a cup of tea? Click here and practice more!
Fancy a cuppa? Let’s go to the tea house!
Take the piss (out of someone)– tease or mock someone ; to make fun of somebody, especially by copying them or laughing at them
Potter likes to take the piss out of me because I used to be a heavy metal fan.